Eitr leysa
Eitr leysa

COMPDS OF PROPER NAMES.-The name of Thor has always been thought to sound well, and is much used in pr. For a head of Thor carved on the high-seat pillars, see Eb., Fbr.: or on a talisman, Fs. Helgi var blandinn í trú, hann trúði á Krist, en hét á Þór til sjófara ok harðræða, Landn. the first chapters-hann varðveitti þar í eyinni Þórs-hof, ok var mikill vin Þórs, … hann gékk til fréttar við Þór ástvin sinn …, Eb. The finest legends of the Edda, - and the best lays (the lays of Hymir, Thrym, and Harbard) refer to Thor, see the Edda passim, Eb. Thor was the son of mother Earth blunt, hot-tempered, without fraud or guile, of few words and ready stroke,-such was Thor, the favourite deity of the ancients. He was the consecrator, the hammer being the cross or holy sign of the ancient heathen, hence the expressive phrase on a heathen Danish Runic stone, Þurr vigi þassi runar, ‘Thor, consecrate these Runes!’ Rafn 193. The god Thor, the god of thunder, keeper of the hammer, the ever-fighting slayer of trolls and destroyer of evil spirits, the friend of mankind, the defender of the earth, the heavens, and the gods, for without Thor and his hammer the earth would become the helpless prey of the giants. kept awake, and poured ale into the fires, saying that this was worse (more tantalizing) for him she then released him by cutting the thongs with a sword, Fas. was hung up in the king’s hall by his shoe-thongs between two fires … In the meantime H. Hjörleifr konungr var upp festr í konungs höll með skó-þvengjum sínum sjálfs millum elda tveggja … Á meðan vakti Hildr ok jós mungáti í eldana, ok kvað ‘Hjörleifi þat verra,’ hón leysti hann svá at hón hjó með sverði skó-þvengina (thus, we believe, to be emended for ‘ok kvað Hjörleif þar vera,’ etc., of the vellum), king H. 116 Egill hafði skúfaða skó-þvengi sem þá var siðr til, ok hafði losnat annarr þvengrinn … steig hann á þvengjar-skúfinn þann er dragnaði, Eb. 74 stökk í sundr skó-þvengr hans, 143, Odd.

eitr leysa

hann svarar öugu ok gaf honum skúa ok dró ór þvengina, of the stingy earl Neríð, Fas. kálfskinns-skúa loðna ok þar í þvengi langa ok á tinknappar miklir á endunum, Þorf.

eitr leysa

þvengir, þvengja, þvengjum :- a thong, latchet, esp.


There are some pretty obvious parallels to both Dark Souls and Diablo, but the game looks interesting in its own right, and the art style is just lovely.Įitr is due for release on PC and PS4 in 2016.M., gen. Now the Shield Maiden must venture into the nine Norse worlds connected by Yggdrasil and unravel the mystery of her fate." However, her destiny was shattered when the mischievous god Loki interfered, dripping spots of the wretched substance Eitr into the unwoven loom, forever altering the Shield Maiden’s path and engulfing the great tree Yggdrasil in darkness. "The Shield Maiden, as with all mortal Norsemen, was to have her fate determined by the three fate-weaving Norns and their sacred loom before she even entered the world. The protagonist is a nameless Shield Maiden whose fate has been interfered with by Loki.

eitr leysa

Eitr is coming next year, and while a date hasn't been confirmed, we've got a gameplay trailer to drool over in the meantime.Įitr is an isometric game drenched in Norse mythology.

Eitr leysa